Information service oriented architecture SAO

Service Oriented Architecture is the thermal motion in right now, and rightly so. The exploit code in a way that makes it flexible, reusable and disposable integrates existing systems, and solves almost all other problems in the world.

So if you bring this to your organization, good for you. A key part of its SOA roadmap should be an effective data management plan. Your plan should include data management, data quality, metadata and data management.

Lets face it, SOA to integrate all systems and allows you to share in many sectors and systems. But what is shared? Data I repeat that ... The reason SOA is so that information is processed more efficiently Service Oriented Architecture. So do not think your data should be managed, controlled, clean, etc? Well ... Yes.

The metadata will be established at all in the organization of what the data really means. I hope you have a corporate data dictionary, but if not, why write the task 1.

The data governance will provide a proactive and reactive management to ensure everyone agrees on what a field must be used. The results of this in the metadata repository mentioned above.

Quality control of data anomalies of data and procedures must take extreme values ​​manually or automatically for business rules. Therefore, be sure to include a plan for effective data management in SOA roadmap, otherwise it will be a bumpy road at best.